Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) estimates the minimum number of calories a person needs to burn to sustain their basic life functions during a 24-hour period of rest. Examples of such functions include:

-digestion and absorption of nutrients
-cellular processes

BMR calculations involve analyzing the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide a person breathes in and out. Experts refer to this analysis as “calorimetry.” It is a way of measuring the number of calories a person’s body is using.

BMR also takes into account a person’s:


BMR indicates the number of calories a person burns at rest. This information could be helpful for a person who is trying to manage their weight. If a person is trying to lose weight, calculating their BMR could help them figure out how many calories to cut out each day.

The Body Architects Inc. have the ability and expertise to calculate this measurement for you and use for a data based weightloss plan that works for you. We're not your average personal trainers.

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