The Most Effective Types of Cardio For Fat Loss (Ranked)
1. Sprinting - Sprints outside, on a treadmill, or even up stairs or bleachers are the best way to burn the most calories in the least amount of time.
2. HIIT (High-intensity interval training) - Pairing any body-weight movement with a weighted movement and a traditional cardio element and you have the perfect recipe for an amazing fat-burner.
3. Rowing - Following a moderate pace on the rowing machine can burn upwards of 800 calories per hour
4. Swimming - Swimming is a total-body workout that starts the second you begin treading water. A breast stroke burns fewer calories than the butterfly, so be sure to incorporate different strokes in your training
5. Cycling - During a vigorous indoor cycling or spin class, you may burn close to 1,150 calories per hour, while a more moderate ride will only burn half that amount at about 675 calories per hour.
Ready to begin your fitness journey, contact the Body Architects Inc. of Atlanta today.